Replica City, Mobiltech’s innovative digital twin solution. Swiftly and accurately reconstructing reality. It offers an astonishing digital twin experience.
Advanced Mobility
Smart City
Prop tech.
Virtual Production
MOBILTECH, a lead-edge company in crafting immersive digital twin solution, incorporates state-of-the-art game engines for advanced visualization. From data acquisition to leveraging the latest gaming technology, we provide a comprehensive solution for creating realistic digital twins.
UAM (Urban Air Mobility)
Replicating a precise 3D digital twin customized for Urban Air Mobility (UAM), our solution facilitates precise simulations for takeoff and operations. Beyond UAM's simulation needs, it empowers air traffic control, ensuring a comprehensive tool for managing aerial operations.
Smart Interior Solution
(Prop tech)
We offer an interior solution based on a digital twin that replicates indoor and outdoor living environments. Customers can access the web to simulate various indoor options, such as furniture layout, lighting, and wallpaper, and outdoor options, such as floor-to-ceiling view and sunlight.
Mobility Simulation
We replicate a precise digital twin using our proprietary Mobile Mapping System (MMS), allowing for the evaluation and validation of autonomous driving system in a lifelike 3D environment. Our 3D digital twin seamlessly integrates with various simulators, providing tailored data for user-specific simulation environments.
Education & Promotion
We replicates 3D digital twins for places of historical significance. These digital twins, created based on data scanned from the actual locations, offer an experience that feels like visiting the real space. We provides a public service that enables easy access for anyone to view the premises of the Blue House, the former executive office and official residence of the President of South Korea, through a web-based digital twin.